

Cultural development leads to sustainable innovative strength

How can you start developing your innovation culture in practice? We host introductory cross-industry workshops in accordance with the Innovation Culture Navigator method. Join us for a one-day workshop in which you will learn how to manage innovation culture in practice and exchange ideas with senior managers from other industries.

  • Tools for making innovation culture tangible

  • Tools for assessing innovation culture

  • Inspiration-kit: what can we learn from innovation champions

  • Exchange with peers working on the very same challenge

By two of the authors of the St. Gallen Innovation Culture Navigator

  • Prof. Dr. Oliver Gassmann is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the University of St.Gallen and Director of the Institute of Technology Management (ITEM-HSG) and the Global Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He is co-founder of BGW AG, BMI-Lab AG and Avatarion Technology AG. Finally, he is a member of several supervisory boards of international companies, founding director of the GLORAD research lab St. Gallen/Shanghai. Previously, he was responsible for the management of research and pre-development in the Schindler Group. He has been research fellow at Berkeley (2007), Stanford (2012) and Harvard (2016). In 2014 he has been awarded with the Scholary Impact Award of the Journal of Management, in 2015 he has got the Citation of Excellence Award by the Emerald Group.

  • Dr. Christoph Meister holds the position as Managing Director of the BGW AG. He holds a Master in Information, Media, and Technology Management as well as a PhD in Innovation Management both from the University of St.Gallen. His career started at Holcim Technology Ltd as Innovation Manager and Assistant to the Head of Innovation where he was responsible for the definition and set-up of an integrated innovation management system for the group. In his latest position as Head of Innovation Management he was responsible for the group-wide Innovation Process & Portfolio, Customer Insights for Innovative Solutions, Technology Foresight as well as Business Model Innovation & Training

  • Prof. Dr. Christoph H. Wecht is a partner of BGW AG and member of the board of directors of BMI Lab AG. He is also a professor of management at the New Design University (NDU) in St. Pölten, holds a lectureship in technology management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) and teaches as a speaker at their Executive School (ES-HSG) as well as at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Prof. Wecht is a consultant, coach and lecturer and publishes practical and scientific journal and book contributions. Previously, he headed the competence center for Open Innovation at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St.Gallen (ITEM-HSG). After completing his mechanical engineering studies, he worked in Austria, Germany and the USA, and was responsible, among other things, for the department of Knowledge Management & Innovation in the tire business of Continental AG.

  • M.Sc. Raphael Bömelburg, psychologist with international experience in Start-Up, Corporate Innovation Management and Innovation Consulting, now Head of a Research Project on Innovation Culture at the Institute of Technology Management (ITEM-HSG)

Next workshop to be announced!

Stay tuned for our next Workshop.


Location: tbd
Date: tbd
Language: tbd
9AM to 5PM

Regular*: tbd EUR w/o VAT
* 20% off early bird discount until tbd!
tbd members: tbd EUR w/o VAT

For discounts on multiple registrations from the same company, please contact us directly.




Some impressions from our last workshops in Vienna and Zurich

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